Please follow these 8 simple steps to ensure that we can quickly and accurately process your order.
Please provide your artwork as a high-resolution PDF document. High-quality JPEGs may be suitable for digital printing, but unfortunately scans cannot be accepted.
All files need to be supplied in CMYK and not RGB.
Please ensure that all images and graphics are embedded into your file.
All fonts must be converted to outlines. If this isn’t possible, please ensure that they are supplied along with your PDF.
Files must be supplied at the cutter size required plus 3mm for bleed on each side. For example, your 100x100mm label would need to be supplied as a 103x103mm to account for the bleed on the artwork.
Please ensure that all crop marks are removed.
Please ensure that all files have been thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar.
Each artwork version should be supplied in a separate PDF, or alternatively on separate pages within one PDF.